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"like endlessly proliferating forces of cosmic energy"

The New York Times


The Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company wants to make it easy and rewarding to enjoy its performances and activities. NNCDC does its best to ensure that all venues at which we perform are ADA compliant. Please call us at 800-650-0246 if you have any specific concerns or require special assistance.   

Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its services, programs or activities.  ADA Related Policy and Practices  Non-Discrimination Policy Statement  Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company’s non-discrimination policy, which was adopted and approved by the Board of Directors on December 17, 2004, remains in effect: “Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its services, programs or activities.” While the law mandates equal access to people with disabilities, the Company makes it a priority to create an environment that embraces the spirit of the law ensuring an optimal experience for all. 

Accessibility Policy and Procedures 

Accessibility Policy and Procedures 


The Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company wants to make it easy and rewarding to enjoy its performances and activities. NNCDC does its best to ensure that all venues at which we perform are ADA compliant. Please call us at 800-650-0246 if you have any specific concerns or require special assistance.  

ADA Related Policy and Practices 


Non-Discrimination Policy Statement 

Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company’s non-discrimination policy, which was adopted and approved by the Board of Directors on December 17, 2004, remains in effect: “Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its services, programs or activities.” While the law mandates equal access to people with disabilities, the Company makes it a priority to create an environment that embraces the spirit of the law ensuring an optimal experience for all. 


Implementation of ADA Policy 

The board established its first ADA Committee in 1998 with the mandate to annually review the Company’s plans for providing access, to advise the board, and respond to all ADA related issues, such as grievances or complaints. The board reaffirmed its commitment to this committee in 2006 by confirming the committee as a standing committee and elected the Vice President of the Board to chair the ADA Committee. 


Employment Practices 

As part of our non-discrimination policy, the Company actively seeks and is successful in attracting artistic and administrative staff from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. The Company is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, or sex.


The Company’s administrative office is an accessible location and can accommodate persons with disabilities. The company also allows administrative staff to work from home. For the dancers, the Company has rehearsal space as a resident dance company at the New Jersey City University, which is wheelchair accessible. The Company does use other spaces and ADA accessibility is always a primary condition of theour rentals. If the rehearsal/performance space is not ADA compliant, the rehearsal will not be eligible for rehearsing dance that required dancers with disability. 


Grievance Procedure 

Step One: Upon receipt of a complaint, the ADA staff coordinator will meet or speak with the complainant within seven7 days of an incident to determine the nature of the concern, discuss the issue, and answer preliminary questions. Other staff members may be included in the information gathering process and the tone of the meeting should be positive with the goal of meeting public needs. 


Step Two: If immediate action is not identified and/ or the complainant wishes to lodge a formal complaint, the ADA Coordinator will request a written description of the formal complaint to submit to the ADA Committee within 15 days. Additional copies will be sent to Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company’s attorney and the Board President. The description of the formal complaint must include contact information, a description of the complaint including when and where the person was denied access, and the citizen’s recommendation of how the issue can be resolved. 


Step Three: The ADA Coordinator calls a meeting of the ADA Advisory Committee to occur within 15 days of receiving the description of the formal complaint. The citizen will present his or her position to the committee for discussion. The committee will make recommendations to resolve the situation, including whom will be assigned to follow through on the recommendation and the timeline for implementation, the complaint, and vote on the recommendation.  Considerations of the ADA Advisory Committee in preparing their recommendations and findings are: is the complaint valid, why was access denied, is this a condition that is standard or unusual to the situation, is a new policy warranted, what are the possible alternatives, what are the mitigating factors, what is to be done to assure access in the future, and who will follow up.  The recommendations will be presented to the Board of Directors under the signature of the Complainant and the members of the ADA Advisory Committee present at the meeting. 


Step Four: At the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors, the recommendations of the ADA Committee are presented and a vote is taken to accept the findings and implement the recommendations. In the event a problem arises, or the Board of Directors deems the solution unacceptable, the citizen will be notified and the ADA Advisory Committee reconvened until a recommended solution is found.  The recommended solution is then implemented and evaluated by the ADA Advisory Committee.

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